It's time to rethink traditional fundraising. Many schools and organizations rely on selling candy and sugary items, which inadvertently supports negative eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles. But what if your fundraiser could make a positive impact on your students, community and the environment? What if supporters are rewarded not with sugar, but with a truly impliicit reward? Biokwantwantum provides this.
Introducing the Biokwantum Go Green For Me sustainable light bulb funraising initiative. This innovative approach offers a multitude of positive benefits:
By choosing Biokwantum Go Green For Me bulbs for your fundraiser, you're not just raising money – you're investing in a better future. You'll educate your community, reduce environmental impact, and promote sustainable habits.
This fundraiser is a win-win-win scenario: your organization raises funds, supporters get an excellent product that saves them money, and together you make a significant positive impact on the environment.
Join us in lighting the way to a greener, more sustainable future.
For more information, contact:
Raise BIG profits with little effort. Earn up to $60 for every 12-pack of sustainable light bulbs sold. Student are encourgaed to make only 12 sales vs 60 (from chocolate).
Public schools are automatically pre-approved for credit. Other creditworthy organizations can apply for credit with low quantities for entry.
Chocolate box fundraisers require students sell 60 units for a $30 profit. Biokwantum's 12-Pack requires only 12 sales with a $60 profit. One-third the effort for 3X the profit.
Qualifying orders that sell all of their sustainable light bulbs receive a bonus check. Earn extra money just for meeting your fundraising goal and helping the environment!
It is a win-win-win at the grassroots level. Students sell, promote, and educate themselves, parents, and the community on habits to help preserve the planet for their future.
Our green fundraising program wraps up in as little as 30 days. No fuss, no headaches, and no hassle - just sustainable profits and a positive impact on students, supporters, and the community!
For more information, contact:
Made from Corn
85% Less Waste
Save on Energy Bills
Designed for Easy Disassembly
15 Years and Beyond
Fibonacci Gripper Styling